Understanding your money story is the key to your financial future. It contains every thought, word, action, and habit you have ever used or created around money. To help our clients better understand how their money story directly affects their current and future financial trajectory, Pathstone and HerPath conducted a webinar uniting female powerhouses Ella Chase Hyland, Co-Founder of Wellth Works, Arden O’Connor, Founder of O’Connor Professional Group, Dr. Jamie Traeger-Muney, Founder of the Wealth Legacy Group, and our very own General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of Pathstone, Lisandra Wilmott. Together, these women explored how your money stories from childhood, life transitions, and your own expectations determine your relationship to money and wealth. During this discussion, each woman shared how she is using her own experiences, and the wisdom gained to help clients in their journey of owning, evaluating, and rewriting their money story based on their values and purpose. The wealth of wisdom shared amongst these women provided five key takeaways. Each lends itself to the specific aspect of uncovering and rewriting any money story.
Click here to watch the webinar.