Pathstone’s strides in innovation and automation have been brought to the spotlight in a new cover story by PAM Magazine titled “Pathstone Wants to Build the Family Office of the Future.” The firm’s President, Matt Fleissig, and Executive Managing Director, John Elmes, were interviewed for the story and provided insight into numerous technological advances taken on by the firm, as well as innovative initiatives currently in the works. Among these initiatives are the Pathstone Data Exchange, which is an integrated data management system that adds efficiency during the client onboarding process; a proprietary investment execution platform called Pathstone Portfolio Platform (P-Cubed), which allows for a more streamlined account management resulting in cost savings for the clients; a universal ESG scoring methodology that gives ratings to over 7,500 securities; and the upcoming launch of a brand new Pathstone website. In addition, Matt Fleissig revealed that finding ways to utilize artificial intelligence is a potential next step in the firm’s innovation efforts.
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