An interview with Matt Fleissig was featured in a Barrons’ article “Leveraging Technology to Grow a Diverse Firm.” Key topics of discussion included technology, Pathstone’s service model, diversity, and private equity approach.

“In 2010, Steve Braverman, Matt Fleissig, and Allan Zachariah left their jobs running the East Coast office of Harris MyCFO, the wealth management unit of BMO Harris Bank, to found Pathstone. The Englewood, N.J., advisory firm serves mostly family offices and individual high-net-worth families. It has grown from $1.4 billion in assets at its start to nearly $20 billion today. Half of that growth has been organic, half through mergers and acquisitions. In July, the firm acquired Cornerstone Advisors, based in Bellevue, Wash., which has $4 billion under management. Pathstone will have nine offices when that acquisition closes.”

Click to read the full Barron’s article. 

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